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December 26, 2007
Belk and Burlington Coat Factory:
Two Crossdock Success Stories
December 26, 2007
Belk and Burlington Coat Factory:
Two Crossdock Success Stories
December 26, 2007
Belk and Burlington Coat Factory:
Two Crossdock Success Stories
ProMat 2007
January 8 - 11
McCormick Place South
Chicago, Illinois
Booth 4745


You are here: Privacy Policy Sunday February 23, 2025

Worldsource Privacy Statement Your privacy on world-source.com

This website is administered by World Source Integration, Inc. The primary purpose of world-source.com is to allow our customers and potential customers to view information about our company and other material handling resources. At Worldsource, we are committed to maintaining your privacy every time you visit us.

The following provides an overview of how we protect your privacy during your visit.

What information do we gather?
Information on world-source.com is gathered in two ways: (1) indirectly (using our website technology) and (2) directly (for example, when you provide voluntary information on various pages of our site).

If you are uncomfortable regarding cookies or small files of information that is left behind as you navigate our site, you shall have the option on your computer to disable it by changing your user preferences.

Any information that is voluntarily submitted to us may be used within our global network to help us respond to your request.

How do we use this information?
We analyze collected information to determine what is most effective about our site, to help us identify ways to improve it, and eventually, to determine how we can tailor world-source.com to be more effective, for us and for our visitors.

Will we share information?
As a global organization, data we collect may be transferred internationally throughout our worldwide network in order to answer your material handling needs. However, we will not sell individual information and will share it only with our trusted partners.

What about data security?
We take every appropriate step to maintain the security of your data on world-source.com. However, we appreciate your understanding that worldwide internet is sometimes of an open nature and data may flow over networks without security measures and may be accessed and used by people other than those for whom the data is intended. Worldsource can not be held responsible for this activity.

Copyright 2007 © World Source Integration, Inc. All rights reverved